Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Silence is Power


        Beware of whom you give your energy to. Some are negative on purpose just to drain your positive energy. Retain your energy by not saying a word. Save your words and breath to speak positive and greatness upon this world. Speak blessings into your life and watch them come to pass. You will be faced with trials and tribulations throughout life and must learn to defeat them. There will be things that you hear that you do not agree with and may want to speak your opinion but sometimes its just not worth it. Save that energy and breath for something positive and constructive. Save your words for positive speaking and try your hardest to never use them for negative talk. What you speak about will be what you think about and what you think about will be what comes to pass, so always keep it positive.
         There is power in silence and with practice you will learn that this is true. I challenge you to practice remaining silent to the toxic people and giving them the silent treatment when they try to infect you with their poisonous words and negativity. This exercise will seem to hurt at first because you will want to say something really bad but you must remain strong and focus on keeping your mind peaceful. The next time you are in a situation where the conversation is getting sour, politely tell the other people you have to be on your way and leave the scene with not another word said. Remember, save that energy and let it motivate you to do better.
         May your day be positive and productive, with continuous progression and may peace find you. 

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